I have 7 weeks left (if I go to full term this time) of being pregnant and I CAN'T WAIT to meet this little boy. Seriously, I can not wait to have this baby out of me! I am so hot & uncomfortable in so many ways every single day and it's really getting to me. I hope he comes on the 1st of January, that's only a week earlier than his due date. I don't feel as prepared as I should be at 33 weeks, I haven't looked to see what boys clothes I have, we haven't even got a carseat for him. Considering I had Gemma at 37 weeks I feel like I need to hurry up and pack my hospital bag and make some meals for the freezer and get the carseat bought and installed.. but I am just SO tired and it is SO hot during the day and I don't have a car to go anywhere and the thought of catching a bus ... no way. Thankfully we are able to spend time in the pool & in aircon at home if need be, that is a huge blessing. Mum & Aunty live just around the corner and are always ready to come & help at any moment, they are angels. Love them!
On a brighter note, Gemma is SO smart! Of course I'm going to say that I'm her Mum :) but seriously she is a very clever little girl and I feel very proud (I must be doing something right!). She is 14 months now. She is walking more confidently each day, she will dance, try to jump, bend & stretch & do actions to songs like popcorn popping, twinkle twinkle little star, dingle dangle scarecrow & others. She has seen the chorister at church and now waves her arms around whenever hymns are being sung or we sing at home. She folds her arms for prayer before meals and at bedtime and is sometimes the first one to do so which is great as it reminds us. She has even started to whisper and copy as we are saying the prayer and she tries very hard to say amen but still needs some practice. She follows me into the kitchen and likes to help me stir food & will get her own bowl and spoon out of the drawer and pretend to mix and then feed it to me. She'll pull dish cloths out of the drawer and wipe down the floor, walls & any surface as though she's cleaning. She LOVES reading books, she will sit & have me read books with her for as long as I'll let her, no kidding, she could sit & read for an hour or more I'm sure of it. It's always me who gets up to do something else and she'll pick up a book and bring it to me and throw it at my feet or on my lap and look at me as if to say "Come on Mum! read this one!" :) I think all this reading aloud to her has really had a positive affect because she talks a lot - yes, mostly toddler talk (aside from the few words she can say like 'Mum, Dad, upstairs, num nums, dum dum & a few others), but she understands A LOT! She has a ton of books and in any one of them we can ask her to point to the cow, elephant, baby, chameleon, zebra, pillow, tv, bath, car, aeroplane, penguin, blueberries, buttons - really whatever is on the page and she will point to that thing. She knows SO many words it amazes me. She will see a picture of a refrigerator or microwave and then point to ours in the kitchen or she will see a picture of an ice-block and then point to the garage because that's where the freezer is. She'll see a picture of a child on a playground and then point to her stroller & outside because she knows that when we go for a walk she gets to go down the slide at the park. She is making animals noises now for snake, dog, elephant, monkey, cat, crow - oh & actions :) She knows just about every single body part & she is starting to pick up on colours, so far she knows pink & green. I love her cuddles & giggles & the faces she pulls. I love her
spontaneous kisses and the way she looks at me & is always excited
to see me. Perhaps other 14month olds are doing the same things or even more incredible things but to me she is amazing! She is my sunshine, I love her immensely.
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